Bird's The Word Acceptance
Race 6 at Esperance
Date: Sat 18th Jan, 2025
Spottys Mechanical (Bm70+), 1200m
BenchMark 70+, Apprentices Can Claim, 2yo+, Handicap, $22,000.00
No | Horse | Barrier | Jockey | Weight | Win | Pl | Hcp Rating |
1 | Bird's The Word | 3 | Taj Dyson | 60 | 22% | 19% | 81 |
2 | Debonnaire | 1 | Victoria Corver | 58.5 | 40% | 20% | 78 |
3 | False Statement | 6 | C Nicoll | 58 | 14% | 9% | 77 |
4 | Hilton | 4 | Ms K Yuill | 56 | 29% | 8% | 73 |
5 | Blazing Passion | 8 | Ms L Staples | 55 | 14% | 5% | 71 |
6 | Talk Softly | 7 | Zephen Johnston-Porter | 55 | 32% | 11% | 71 |
7 | Cocoon Bay | 5 | Kate Pateman | 54.5 | 26% | 9% | 70 |
8 | Westernize | 2 | A Hearn | 54.5 | 16% | 13% | 66 |
9 | Wheatstack Thief | 9 | Casey Hunter | 54.5 | 11% | 11% | 66 |
Trainer: D & B Pearce Jockey: Taj Dyson Weight: 60kg Barrier: 3
Record: 37-8-5-7 Prizemoney: $313,499.00
15-16 | 111.2L , Ascot, 2024-12-21 1200M, Good , Race 9, 4yo+ C&G (Bm66+), $125,800.00 (), Jockey: S O'Donnell, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:10.00 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-8 |
10-10 | 3/413.5L , Belmont Park, 2024-08-10 1400M, Soft , Race 7, 3yo+ (Rs1mw), $60,000.00 ($1,080.00), Jockey: Luke Campbell, Bar: 7 , 59kg, 1:26.49 , , Settled-1 800-2 400-2 |
5-16 | 1/25.6L , Belmont Park, 2024-07-27 1200M, Soft , Race 8, 2yo+ (Rs1mw), $60,000.00 ($1,740.00), Jockey: Chris Parnham, Bar: 4 , 61kg, 1:13.81 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-6 |
6-8 | 1.33.8L , Lark Hill, 2024-12-02 950M, Good , Race 2, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Bailey Webster, Bar: 3 , 0kg, 0:57.60 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
13-16 | 19.3L , Albany, 2025-01-05 1230M, Good , Race 7, 2yo+ (Bm72+), $125,000.00 (), Jockey: Brandon Louis, Bar: 9 , 56kg, 1:12.76 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-12 |
Trainer: Ms F Scott Jockey: Victoria Corver Weight: 58.5kg Barrier: 1
Record: 15-6-2-3 Prizemoney: $101,182.00
1-9 | Sh HdL , Kalgoorlie, 2024-08-25 1200M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ (Benchmark 70+), $24,000.00 ($13,502.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 7 , 56.5kg, 1:10.06 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-5 |
1-13 | 3/4L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-07-28 1300M, Soft , Race 6, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($13,152.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 5 , 55kg, 1:18.17 , , Settled-2 800-3 400-3 |
6-10 | Sh Nk3.2L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-09-08 1300M, Good , Race 6, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $25,220.00 ($450.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 9 , 58kg, 1:16.74 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-10 |
1-10 | 2.3L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-07-07 1200M, Good , Race 4, 2yo+ (Bm58+), $24,000.00 ($13,152.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 1 , 59kg, 1:12.43 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-2 |
3-8 | Sh Nk1.7L , Esperance, 2024-12-26 1100M, Good , Race 4, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($1,936.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 1:05.30 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-6 |
Trainer: Felicity Forbes-Ives Jockey: C Nicoll Weight: 58kg Barrier: 6
Record: 56-8-4-5 Prizemoney: $258,732.00
3-11 | Lg hd0.4L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-10-05 1300M, Good , Race 6, 3yo+ (Rs1mw), $60,350.00 ($5,280.00), Jockey: B Parnham, Bar: 5 , 55.5kg, 1:17.05 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-8 |
3-9 | 23.5L , Geraldton, 2024-10-24 1400M, Good , Race 7, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($2,112.00), Jockey: Jordan Turner, Bar: 2 , 56kg, 1:25.47 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-9 |
6-13 | 23.8L , Geraldton, 2024-12-27 1400M, Good , Race 7, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Ms K Yuill, Bar: 9 , 57.5kg, 1:23.75 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-11 |
12-13 | Hf Hd3.3L , Ascot, 2024-11-23 1200M, Good , Race 9, 3yo+ (Bm66+), $80,000.00 (), Jockey: P Carbery, Bar: 1 , 54kg, 1:10.66 , , Settled-13 800-13 400-13 |
1-8 | 1/2L , Esperance, 2024-12-06 1200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($12,056.00), Jockey: Jordan Turner, Bar: 4 , 57kg, 1:11.90 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
Trainer: Jockey: Ms K Yuill Weight: 56kg Barrier: 4
Record: 24-7-3-2 Prizemoney: $100,194.00
2-8 | Sh1/2Hd0.4L , Esperance, 2024-01-19 1200M, Good , Race 3, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($4,092.00), Jockey: C Nicoll, Bar: 8 , 59kg, 1:11.90 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4 |
7-7 | 3/410.9L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-07-07 1100M, Good , Race 3, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Jordan Turner, Bar: 6 , 55kg, 1:05.27 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
1-9 | 1L , Esperance, 2025-01-03 1100M, Good , Race 3, 2yo+ (Bm58+), $22,000.00 ($12,056.00), Jockey: Brayden Gaerth, Bar: 9 , 60kg, 1:05.83 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-2 |
7-9 | Lg hd4.7L , Esperance, 2024-02-03 1100M, Good , Race 3, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: C Nicoll, Bar: 6 , 56kg, 1:04.38 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-5 |
6-6 | Lg Nk11.3L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-06-16 1100M, Soft , Race 4, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $24,300.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Jordan Turner, Bar: 4 , 55kg, 1:04.89 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-6 |
Trainer: Joanna Offen Jockey: Ms L Staples Weight: 55kg Barrier: 8
Record: 37-5-8-2 Prizemoney: $111,976.00
5-10 | 12.1L , Esperance, 2024-12-06 1100M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ Hcp (C5), $22,000.00 ($638.00), Jockey: Madi Derrick, Bar: 7 , 59.5kg, 1:05.30 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-3 |
2-8 | 1.50.1L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-04-13 1100M, Soft , Race 6, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($4,464.00), Jockey: Ms L Staples, Bar: 6 , 54kg, 1:05.04 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
2-8 | Sh Nk1.5L , Esperance, 2024-12-26 1100M, Good , Race 4, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($4,092.00), Jockey: Brandon Louis, Bar: 1 , 55kg, 1:05.30 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-3 |
3-11 | 1.32.1L , Esperance, 2024-11-23 1200M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ Hcp (C5), $22,000.00 ($1,936.00), Jockey: Ms L Staples, Bar: 9 , 59.5kg, 1:12.10 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
6-6 | Nk2.7L , Albany, 2024-05-09 1100M, Soft , Race 2, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $24,000.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Ms L Staples, Bar: 4 , 54kg, 1:07.45 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: Robert Payton Jockey: Zephen Johnston-Porter Weight: 55kg Barrier: 7
Record: 19-6-0-2 Prizemoney: $76,475.00
1-9 | HdL , Esperance, 2024-02-19 1200M, Good , Race 6, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($12,056.00), Jockey: Lucy Fiore, Bar: 7 , 54kg, 1:10.51 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
9-9 | 1.59.1L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-10-05 1100M, Good , Race 9, 3yo+ (Bm66+), $100,800.00 ($1,800.00), Jockey: Victoria Corver, Bar: 5 , 55kg, 1:03.80 , , Settled- 800- 400- |
8-8 | Sh Nk8.6L , Esperance, 2024-12-26 1100M, Good , Race 4, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: C Nicoll, Bar: 5 , 56.5kg, 1:05.30 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
3-8 | Nk0.8L , Esperance, 2024-12-06 1200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($1,936.00), Jockey: C Nicoll, Bar: 3 , 56.5kg, 1:11.90 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
3-8 | 1/20.8L , Esperance, 2024-03-03 1200M, Soft , Race 5, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $26,500.00 ($2,332.00), Jockey: Lucy Fiore, Bar: 3 , 56kg, 1:11.30 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
Trainer: Ms H Harding Jockey: Kate Pateman Weight: 54.5kg Barrier: 5
Record: 23-6-0-2 Prizemoney: $103,797.00
9-12 | 2.57L , Kalgoorlie, 2024-08-25 1300M, Good , Race 6, 3yo+ (Bm58+), $24,000.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Brayden Gaerth, Bar: 6 , 58.5kg, 1:16.87 , , Settled-2 800-3 400-3 |
1-12 | Sh NkL , Kalgoorlie, 2024-08-11 1400M, Good , Race 8, 3yo+ (Benchmark 58+), $24,000.00 ($13,152.00), Jockey: Natasha Faithfull, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:23.52 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
10-10 | 1.38L , Esperance, 2024-11-23 1100M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ (Bm64+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: Natasha Faithfull, Bar: 9 , 56kg, 1:05.83 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
1-10 | 3/4L , Esperance, 2024-12-06 1100M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ Hcp (C5), $22,000.00 ($12,056.00), Jockey: Natasha Faithfull, Bar: 4 , 58.5kg, 1:05.30 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
8-8 | Sh Hd6.8L , Esperance, 2024-12-14 1300M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: Natasha Faithfull, Bar: 4 , 54.5kg, 1:19.85 , , Settled-3 800-2 400-2 |
Trainer: Josh Brown Jockey: A Hearn Weight: 54.5kg Barrier: 2
Record: 55-9-5-7 Prizemoney: $154,028.00
7-9 | 1/22.8L , Esperance, 2025-01-03 1100M, Good , Race 3, 2yo+ (Bm58+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: Austin Galati, Bar: 5 , 58kg, 1:05.83 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-8 |
6-8 | 3/46.4L , Esperance, 2024-03-15 1200M, Soft , Race 5, 2yo+ (Bm58+), $24,000.00 ($432.00), Jockey: Jarrad Noske, Bar: 4 , 58kg, 1:13.40 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-8 |
7-10 | 1.35.3L , Esperance, 2024-11-23 1100M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ (Bm64+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: Chloe Azzopardi, Bar: 6 , 54.5kg, 1:05.83 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-10 |
7-8 | Nk5.2L , Esperance, 2024-12-06 1200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ (Bm70+), $22,000.00 ($396.00), Jockey: Chloe Azzopardi, Bar: 7 , 55kg, 1:11.90 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
1-5 | 1/2L , Esperance, 2024-12-14 1100M, Good , Race 1, 3yo+ (Bm58+), $22,000.00 ($12,056.00), Jockey: Austin Galati, Bar: 5 , 58.5kg, 1:07.44 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: Ms F J Hossell Jockey: Casey Hunter Weight: 54.5kg Barrier: 9
Record: 35-4-6-4 Prizemoney: $85,778.00
11-11 | 1.514.1L , Ascot, 2024-03-29 2200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Hcp, $30,000.00 (), Jockey: S Parnham, Bar: 7 , 58kg, 2:20.70 , , Settled-7 800-9 400-11 |
15-15 | Lg Nk16.6L , Esperance, 2024-03-03 2000M, Soft , Race 7, Esperance Cup, $100,000.00 (), Jockey: Ms S Altieri, Bar: 13 , 55kg, 2:03.46 , , Settled-11 800-13 400-14 |
4-11 | Sh1/2Hd2.7L , Esperance, 2025-01-03 1600M, Good , Race 7, 2yo+ Hcp (C5), $22,000.00 ($858.00), Jockey: Austin Galati, Bar: 7 , 60kg, 1:37.50 , , Settled-11 800-7 400-4 |
3-13 | Sh Nk0.3L , Esperance, 2024-02-19 2000M, Good , Race 7, 2yo+ (Bm70+), $30,000.00 ($2,640.00), Jockey: Ms S Altieri, Bar: 13 , 55.5kg, 2:02.16 , , Settled-11 800-12 400-11 |
4-13 | 12.8L , Esperance, 2024-12-26 1600M, Good , Race 7, 3yo+ (Bm58+), $22,000.00 ($858.00), Jockey: Ms S Altieri, Bar: 2 , 58.5kg, 1:38.56 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-5 |
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Please fill out the contact form on the right or call us at any time.
89 Grasshill Road Karnup, Western Australia Australia 6176
Daniel Pearce | 0438 224 145
Ben Pearce | 0410 153 625
Michael Heaton (Racing Manager) | 0466 301 543
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