The stable saddled up first career starter Le Patron to the Belmont race club meeting on Wednesday, August 12 with the 3-year-old competing in a no Metro win handicap over a thousand metres with Jarrad Noske aboard jumping from barrier 10 in a field of 10.

On settling Castle Queen and Let's Go Macca led out the field War In Paris was forward with the newcomer Le Patron bowling along nicely and seemingly unfazed that her first career start was in a mid week metro field from an awkward draw, with half the field already competed in events at least once.

Rounding the turn Le Patron was one of the widest runners, copping a check as the field straightened for home, and in a display where most things were thrown at the first starter first time out, she dusted herself off and finished strongly over the concluding stages to win the event as if a seasoned galloper, much to the credit of Ben's preparation and to the benefit of owner Mr McKee. Well done.

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